Rare iPhone 6 Prototype Hits $100K+ On eBay ~ Every Tech Pro


Rare iPhone 6 Prototype Hits $100K+ On eBay

What appears to be a rare iPhone 6 prototype is currently up for auction on eBay after Apple "mistakenly" sent it out, a customer claims. The highest current bid was $94,100 at the time of publishing.

There are those people who need the newest, shiniest thing right away and will wait in line for hours, days or even weeks to get it. And then there are people who want the newest new thing at its peak newness, so new that it’s a prototype that probably very few will ever get to see. Those people are willing to fork over at least $94,500 (and counting) for an iPhone 6 prototype that was never supposed to fall into a consumer’s hands. Except that it did.

According to the eBay user "kimberlyk1018," who listed the prototype, the rare and unreleased version of the iPhone 6 arrived on the doorstep after renewing her contract.

The prototype is a white, 64GB iPhone 6, and it features a red-colored lightning port. The prototype is also devoid of a model or FCC markings and appears to be running a pre-release developer software.

iOS 8 is not installed on the phone; the software differs from what you might see on a consumer-use iPhone. The iteration also includes a red charger port and comes with 64GB of storage, according to the seller. According to the revision history, it seems the listing was put up on Oct. 2.

So why would anyone want to pay over $99,000 for a prototype iPhone 6 when you can get a consumer-ready iPhone 6 in stores? The answer is in what lies inside the prototype, specifically the software the phone is running.


While consumer iPhone 6 models include Apple's newest iOS 8 operating system, this iPhone 6 prototype is still reportedly running in "true developer mode," according to the listing.