iOS 8 Jailbreak is Available, But... ~ Every Tech Pro


iOS 8 Jailbreak is Available, But...

Some people sure do work quick. Team Pangu has just made available a jailbreak for iOS 8.1—and it works on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and the iPad Air 2, along with older devices. The jailbreak though is currently limited to SSH only, and it doesn’t come with Cydia installed and available for Windows only for now.

Initially the team announced the release of a developer version, but later removed the download link. Either way this is great news for jailbreakers, but the developer version does not install Cydia or other common services. Instead, this is a pure jailbreak that will enable developers to update their tweaks prior to Cydia being available for iOS 8.

The jailbreak is mainly a developer focused release to help them update all their tweaks and apps for iOS 8. According to Team Pangu, Cydia will be added in a future update to the jailbreak. 

Saurik has done a great job to make Cydia compatible with iOS 8 and release it to the public in a short period of time, but you'll need to install it manually.

In conclusion, here's what you need to know : 

              - iOS 8 Jailbreak is available.
              - It's in Chinese.
              - Most of the tweaks don't work.
              - Doesn't come with Cydia.
              - Only for Windows.

So those of you who don’t feel like fooling around with the file system, i highly recommend to wait for the final version that will work perfectly. 

Very seriously, going through with this might not be the best idea you ever had.

Stay updated, because we will tell you when it's the right time to jailbreak your device.