Horizon : The Future Of Transport ~ Every Tech Pro


Horizon : The Future Of Transport

We are now seven billion people on Earth and globalization invites us to increase our travel whether by car, train, subway, bus or plane. Cities are increasingly congested, air traffic and the number of users of public transport is increasing and it's not going to decrease in the future.

Horizon is an air and rail concept that offers a futuristic, technology and smoother transport, while responding to the needs of traveling of people.

Environmentally, Horizon offers a fully electric approach. The system consists first train levitation (or maglev) running on an elevated track in the city center and take the passengers at each stop.

Several wagons of this type then gather near the airport on a kind of runway. Trains begin formation while an electric flying wing is approaching. The plane never lands (except for maintenance).

In fact, it recharges its batteries during phases scooping trains. Trains at arrival are dropped on the track and the departing trains are picked up by the flying wing. These act as new fully charged batteries for the plane.

In flight, passengers on board can access the plane and enjoy the bar, shopping, sight located on the observation deck at the front of the unit and amenities available to them during the trip .

Here is the video presentation of the concept Horizon, designed by a team from the University of Glasgow.

Via : Coroflot