Apple is Falling On The Stock Market After iOS 7 ~ Every Tech Pro


Apple is Falling On The Stock Market After iOS 7

The presentation of iOS 7 and its very simple design but criticism has not had any reassurance to investors, who are eagerly awaiting the return of innovation at Apple. Instead, it seems to have revived the fall of the action.

Since June 10, when the company showed the new version of its mobile operating system and a few other announcements like iTunes Radio, a new Mac Pro or a new Macbook Air, the title has been declining at a significant rate. For 15 days, Apple lost more than 8% of its value.

Since its peak of September 19 2012, when the title was mounted to $ 702 per share, Apple has lost 42% of its market value. The action is currently trading at $ 400. 

The tumble of course began in October 2012 and hasn't stopped since. Although sales of Apple products are always in good shape, the company struggling to maintain its strong profit margins and faces stiff competition from Google and Samsung, and to a lesser extent, Microsoft, who have managed to enter the modern image of Apple.

Last April, Goldman Sachs has even sanctioned Apple, explaining that he expects real new things before returning to Apple in its "conviction list", which lists the titles for which the bank is convinced of the profitability. The iOS 7 announcement did so far not reassured him.

From April, Tim Cook warned that we should not expect new products before September. The firm should then present its famous watch connected iWatch, but will surprise to win the hearts of analysts.