Joshua Hill aka p0sixninja, a well-known hacker of the jailbreak scene, hard work for a while on the exploration and exploitation of loopholes for iOS 7, and those who follow the news on twitter, have already been noted that he tweeted some very interesting information about its progress. The tweet below is a video about a flaw in OS X kernel causing a "kernel panic" when used. To make it short and do not go into too much detail, although apparently this is not directly related to the jailbreak, this flaw can afford to go handle iOS! The video also highlights a flaw found that can work without going through the root and is therefore very useful for the development of a jailbreak tool. (click on the link in the tweet to view the video)
Kernel exploit fun with @dent1zt oc9.org/~n/ioctl_osx.m…One of the latest tweets from p0sixninja says he is going to finish codesign exploit and iOS 7 will be his
— Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja) May 30, 2013
@jduck @dent1zt just gotta finish up codesign exploit now, and iOS7 is mine. muwhahaha :-P
— Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja) May 30, 2013
Further discussions on twitter between p0sxininja and dent1zt show us that they have in their drawers three other exploitable vulnerabilities to jailbreak iOS 7.
Of course, this is not to be taken in the first degree. iOS 7 is not yet available to developers, p0sixninja therefore has no way of knowing whether the exploited vulnerabilities are actually exploitable and can be used as such. He will also wait for iOS 7 in the final version after multiple beta, to ensure the viability of its jailbreak.
But the least we can say is that the hacker is indeed working hard so we do not wait too much to enjoy a jailbroken iOS 7. It will be interesting to see how this will be implemented knowing that evad3rs team has also exploits reserved for iOS 7.