Monkey Light Pro is a project that has a lot of attention on Kickstarter. The principle is animating the wheels of your bike with images that appear when you ride.
The Monkey Light Pro system is technically quite simple: a LED system is mounted on the spokes of the wheel to distribute the images, which show through optical effect due to the persistence of vision. A magnet system and accelerometer to determine whether the wheel rotates, and at what speed, thereby adjusting the animation according to the wheel speed.
The Monkey Light Pro can display animations and thanks to 256 LEDs on the wheels of a moving bicycle. If animated GIFs work, the creators announced that several formats are supported: JPG, GIF, AVI, MPEG, etc..

The project is already a great success on Kickstarter, where funds totaled nearly 130,000 dollars for now, about 180,000 required to start production. Only downsides so far : a little low of only 8 hours autonomy, and the fact that such a system works mostly at night or in dark environments.