The LEGO Movie : First Trailer ~ Every Tech Pro


The LEGO Movie : First Trailer

We already knew the multiple versions of Lego video games, or remakes of trailers, it's now the time for the Lego movie , the first trailer has been unveiled.

Produced by Warner Bros. , the film will feature a character from Lego , Emmet, who will save the world. Despite its a priori very classic scenario, the feature film, which is due out in 2014 , can count on many characters. The trailer lets see Superman, Abraham Lincoln, the Statue of Liberty, Wonder Woman, the siren, the "type of the space of 80" , the Dream Team NBA of 2002, Michelangelo, the Ninja Turtles, , Green Lantern, Batman and Robin Hood. We can also expect to see references to Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter movies which are produced by Warner Bros. . Unfortunately, some licenses, yet adapted Lego , are unlikely to be in the film, the studio does not have the rights of Marvel characters for example.
The side of the real cast, the movie also has great ambitions including the voices of Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Alison Brie, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman. Finally, the film is co-written and co-directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.