Chad Heads Everywhere Soon With Cydia Tweak ~ Every Tech Pro


Chad Heads Everywhere Soon With Cydia Tweak

Chat Heads On Twitter

To everyone's surprise, Facebook has released this week an update to its iOS application containing Chat Heads, a feature that allows to highlight its contacts with a system of bubble always present on the screen

Presented the same time as the overlay for Android Facebook Home, Chat Heads is restricted on the iOS Facebook app because of the limitations imposed by Apple, reducing at the same time his main interest, being available everywhere.


Never mind, the developer Adam Bell has developed a solution to show the bubbles wherever you are. His trick works on jailbroken devices.

The Verge was able to try the tweak, which still has some bugs, but works well overall. We find the same behavior as Chat Heads on Android.

Adam Bell will soon publish his tweak on Cydia and the code on GitHub. The developer is also working to integrate SMS and iMessages to Chat Heads. Next step, the lock screen to the Feed Cover?