Bring Back The Animated Logo When Rebooting or Respring You Device With Beacon ~ Every Tech Pro


Bring Back The Animated Logo When Rebooting or Respring You Device With Beacon

Beacon is a new tweak that you can find on Cydia Store at a price of $ 0.99 from the BigBoss source. This tweak is quite interesting, because when you start your device, or even when you make a respring, apple of Apple come alive, you will have the same effect when you first start your device when it is necessary to configure the iOS.
In addition to this feature, you can choose an animated effect upon arrival on the lockscreen, because yes, after a reboot or respring it always falls on the lockscreen.

Apple Logo
The transition into the lock screen is so sleek and smooth, it won’t fail to deliver a built-in, high quality feel. It will leave you pointlessly respringing your device just to watch the Apple logo glow as it welcomes you back into iOS. 
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