According to the official twitter account of the tweak, it is only a question of a few days and it will not work with SMS only. While the tweak is still under development, the team behind to apparently made enormous progress in the code.

In fact , Badger has been updated and now allows users to see notifications for each application installed on the machine, and more.
According to the developer, Aehmlo Lxaitn, badger now supports scrolling, works with all applications and can be customized via Winterboard themes. Lxaitn reported a dozen themes have been created even if none of them is available on cydia yet seen the tweak is still in beta.
There are still a lot of work on it, bug resolutions, settings and graphic for iPad version is in preparation. There is however still no dates available for the release.
The screen is very nice, and I look forward to testing this tweak! And you what do you think?