Accentify Will Give Color To All Your iOS Apps ~ Every Tech Pro


Accentify Will Give Color To All Your iOS Apps


Accentify is a tweak developed by Winocm, which is Now available on Cydia for $ 0.99. Accentify is a tweak that will allow you to give color to all native iOS applications. With the arrival of iOS 6 last year, the color of the navigation bar iOS applications has changed, it has become "chromed" you might say, or paler. The navigation bar is, for example messages, the bar where the name of the person with whom you are communicating. In Safari, well it is the top bar where there is the address bar, and also belwo where you can go back etc..

Well Accentify will change the color of the navigation bars. To do this, it will be necessary to go to the tab of the tweak, to activate it, and then choose the color you want. To apply, simply perform a respring, nothing more simple. The gif above, offers the different colors available.