5 Alternatives While Waiting For The iWatch ~ Every Tech Pro


5 Alternatives While Waiting For The iWatch

The iWatch is not out yet, it must however admit that the 2013 feels good the arrival of a new technology: smart watch! Forget the watch that gives you time, stopwatch, temperature or altitude. Today, everyone wants to have a watch attached to his smartphone.
Rumors says that Apple is working on a project called "iWatch". Unfortunately, no announcement has yet been made. This is why searched the Web looking for 5 alternatives pending to iWatch ...

1. I'm Watch

Certainly one of the most beautiful concepts in this collection, I'm Watch comes from Italy. It connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and allows you to receive calls, SMS, emails, notifi
cations, and all applications directly to your wrist.

2. Pebble

The Pebble is the smart watch of the 21st century! It connects to the iPhone and Android smartphones via Bluetooth, alerting you of a silent vibration for incoming calls, emails and messages. Pebble can also be synchronized with IFTTT.

3. Cookoo

Cookoo allows you to pair your phone with the watch and receive notifications. The user-friendly interface helps you to manage your phone, applications and social networks. You can receive notifications for incoming calls, missed calls, Facebook messages, calendar reminders, low battery, etc..

4. MetaWatch

MetaWatch is an elegant watch and relevant. It currently supports most Android phones and soon support for iOS. Metawatch displays e-mail, SMS, calls and weather information.

5. Martian

Finish this collection of watches with the Martian. It can connect to your phone using Bluetooth and vibrate when you receive a call on your phone. Martian works with voice command on the iPhone or Android and you get a vibration when you receive alerts of social media.

So tell me what is your favorite alternative to iWatch?