Many jailbreak users always complain that they can’t find any particular cracked version of an app. As there are many websites that offer paid apps and games for free, however, it is really difficult to find out the best working app for iPad Air, iPad Mini or iPhone.

Its too easy to use it. I would say, Link store is the best iPA Installer. You don’t need to find any particular file anywhere, just choose the paid application or game and tap on LinkStore button. That’s it.
Steps :
1-Add LinkStore Repo: The first thing is, add the repo source in Cydia repository. Launch Cydia store and tap on Manage, Sources and Edit and then Add.
2-Add http://repo.hackyouriphone.org and install it. Return to Cydia and follow next step.
3-Now you will need to search and install AppSync iOS 7 and LinkStore iOS 7.
4-After successfully installation, reboot your iDevice once again, this will configure AppStore to work with it.
Watch the video below :
NOTE: We don't support piracy, piracy is a bad thing, but maybe you want to use such things to test an app before buying it