Choose the Right iPhone 6 Model Using the Printable iPhone Picker ~ Every Tech Pro


Choose the Right iPhone 6 Model Using the Printable iPhone Picker

Apple’s newly revealed iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices will begin its preorders starting September 12th. For those who aren’t sure which size to pick exactly may find this time to be stressful, as the Apple Store won’t be having physical models to test out until the 19th.

Choosing the device blindly without being able to compare it to anything may be hard for many people. However, an AppleInsider reader, Jeremy Anticouni has made a printable iPhone pre-order picker to help many people. 

Anticouni put together a PDF file that can be printed using standard 8.5”x11” paper at 100% scale. The pdf file has the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus all on one sheet and all you have to do is cut out all three to get a feel for the new devices compared to the old one. Put it in your pocket, hold it in your hands, or even put it in your handbag to see which device you may actually prefer before the preorder begins. The iPhone 5s has a 4-inch display, whereas the iPhone 6 has a 4.7-inch display and the Plus has a 5.5-inch display. 

You’ll want to print this out to get the best idea, though loading it at full size on screen can also work to give a vaguer concept of size too. Either way, be sure to hold your iPhone 5 up to make sure that size is accurate.