Google Announces Android Wear, An OS For Smartwatchs ~ Every Tech Pro


Google Announces Android Wear, An OS For Smartwatchs

After having mentioned it the first time, Google just announced it officially, Android will soon expand to Smartwatch and other connected objects with Android Wear. A new development platform but also a way for the company to expand its mobile OS to a new category of devices, while offering a lower cost for developers and users.

If at first, Android Wear will only focus only on smartwatch, Sundar Pichai says that eventually, the "Nexus for watches" will be extended to other categories of connected objects.

Who says new OS and new platform says new partners and it will be precisely the case with Android Wear including the support of Samsung, HTC which also prepares a connected watch, LG is expected to produce the first Google Smartwatch, Motorola and perhaps even Asus. Qualcomm, Intel, MediaTek are also part of the side components.

Specially optimized for connected watches, this new Android version will focus on speech recognition with "Okay Google," which seems quite legitimate in case of a device as a watch even if touch screen remains easy to use with your fingers than a smartphone. Also included in the program, a deep integration of Google Now to provide the user with personalized information.

Not only OS for smartwatchs, this new ecosystem also claims to be a real link between the connected objects and smartphones or tablets and allow you, for example, start playing a music playlist or a film on your mobile from your watch.