Samsung has unveiled its Galaxy S5, its new high-end smartphone successor to Galaxy S4. It is expected since it is one of the best selling models of the manufacturer. For features: a 5.1 inch screen Super AMOLED with a resolution of 1920 × 1080, a Snapdragon processor 800 2.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 16-megapixel camera, a sensor for heart rate , 16 or 32GB of storage and a battery of 2800 mAh. It features Wi-Fi MIMO that improves the speed of wireless navigation.
For its new model, Samsung offers Android 4.4 with some changes from previous versions including new icons in full color. Sweep to the left from the home screen directly displays the "My Magazine" section from Samsung. The terminal is waterproof and dust-proof by default, from where the USB 3.0 port that is well protected.

Galaxy S5 features a fingerprint sensor. Samsung follows Apple who has started the trend in September with its iPhone 5s. HTC followed behind with its HTC One Max. The sensor is integrated directly on the home button of the Galaxy S5. The user can use it to unlock the smartphone and access the menus. To use the sensor, the user must make a scan down the button. Samsung Galaxy S5 can record up to 3 fingers at the same time.

In addition, the sensor can be used to pay with PayPal. Once a payment via the online payment service is required, the user can use his finger which will act as a password. Sweep up on the home button and simply the payment will be made.
In terms of camera, Samsung has included a 16-megapixel sensor. The smartphone is able to take a picture in 0.3 seconds. The Korean manufacturer took the opportunity to add a few modes including one called "Selective Focus" which allows you to take a picture of an object, for example. Once the picture is taken, it is possible to focus on the object in question or the background to play on blur effect.

In terms of video, the Galaxy S5 is capable of shooting in 4K UHD with a resolution of 3840 × 2160. The result not surprisingly very good, but the videos take up much space. Suffice to say that a microSD card will be needed to store everything. It is of course possible to shoot at a lower resolution.
Samsung has also included a feature called "Download Booster". As its name suggests, it accelerates file downloads over Wi-Fi or 4G. The battery will be consumed faster of course, but this is optional. It turns on and off with a button.
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Samsung says it will begin selling the Galaxy S5 on April 11 in over 150 countries. In the US, it’ll be available on AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint, as well as a handful of regional carriers. You should be able to pick one up at your local electronics dealer—Best Buy, RadioShack, etc.—but there’s been no word on pricing yet.
So, what do you think of the new Galaxy S5?