Evasi0n7 1.0.2 is Available To Fix Problems With iPad 2 ~ Every Tech Pro


Evasi0n7 1.0.2 is Available To Fix Problems With iPad 2

The team of hackers Evad3rs provides an update of their Evasi0n7 software. This version 1.0.2 is currently in beta, witch means it still got some bugs. However, one change is noted and it concerns the iPad 2 owners, how faced problems with the jailbreak process. But now thanks to this update, all problem are fixed. The tablet released in 2011 can be normally jailbreaked via Evasi0n7.

The software can be downloaded from Evasi0n.com, and as always available on Mac and PC. A Linux version may come soon, nothing is said about it. We recall that the first edition of Evasi0n for iOS 6 supported the three operating systems.

To jailbreak iOS 7, no matter the device, it is recommended to follow our tutorial. Steps are not complicated, but it is always best to follow a detailed guide so as not to make any mistakes.