Google may well be a dream business for all students from all over the world, but the behind scenes is revealed , thanks to interviews with former employees who literally dropped on the web this weekend. On the site Quora, specialising in questions and answers of all kinds, a person has asked about the negative aspects when working at Google.
The answers, and usually anonymously from former employees, quickly flowed. It appears that most Google employees are overqualified for the jobs they hold. Google may employ only the best engineers, but they often want to perform basic tasks and require little skill, such as support for Google Ads, or worse, deleting videos flagged as inappropriate by YouTube users.

Anonymous employees also indicate difficult working conditions, with tiny offices, too much space is allocated for relaxation and games, because apparently no one seems to grow at Google. There is also unable to work remotely. And finally, former employees indicate that Google is so huge that it is almost impossible to get noticed by the quality of his work, even the best remain anonymous, except for those who imagine revolutionary services.
Source : Quora