Adidas Launches The Smart Ball ~ Every Tech Pro


Adidas Launches The Smart Ball

Always in trend connected, the last object to be smart is nothing other than a football. And this is the German supplier Adidas which is the author of Smart Ball that could raise the sport to a whole new level.

This ball is full of connected sensors to track the player's movements. It is then able to measure in real time the speed of each shot, indicate the path detect pressure and even determine which foot it was shot. All this information will then be transmitted to a terminal via an application for processing. Players can analyze and improve their level while the coach can better manage the playing technique with the data. Similarly, the application provides challenges and a book of record for each player.

Of course, the interest of a ball connected is not limited to measuring the performance of those who tap into it. Indeed, it could also reduce arbitration errors by indicating precisely if the ball crossed the goal line for example ...

The smart football will be marketed in 2014.