Pixel Press: Draw Your Own Video Game ~ Every Tech Pro


Pixel Press: Draw Your Own Video Game

Creating a game from scratch , and no special knowledge development is a big challenge ... but not impossible. The application Pixel Press aims to build a platform game Super Mario type, simply by scanning a sheet of paper blackened by the user! The minimum requirement is an iPhone or an iPad and a printer, on which we print a page to scribble, accompanied by its instructions. An X will turn in spades, for example, and it is possible to draw platforms , lava, well, all kinds of obstacles that makes the game difficult for players.

Then? Just take a picture of this sheet. The draft will turn once in platform game! The process, derived from the character recognition takes some time (up to an hour, depending on the wealth of the drawing). "Pixel Press" then will allow you to change the textures, music, sound effects, ... The game thus created can then be shared with the world.

The application is still in a prototype stage, and its creator, Robin Rath, will launch a Kickstarter campaign in order to fund the full development. $ 100,000 will be requested from interested users, from May 7