2015 has arrived and so has hundreds of jailbreak tweaks. Despite bring different from one another in terms of functionality, there is one thing that binds them together-breaking the hard-set rules of Apple. Want to know which new jailbreak tweaks have hit the floor recently.
As the jailbreak for iOS 8/iOS 8.1.2. has been released by Pangu much before the expected time, a lot of tweaks and apps are being released in a hurry.There’s a lot to catch up to and if you are a jailbreak tweak enthusiast, we hope this list would help you find and try out new tweaks. You might be confused about which Cydia tweak you should install first. A lot many tweaks are being updated for iOS 8 compatibility.
Here we have some of the best updated tweaks and apps for your jailbroken iPhone or iPad running iOS 8/iOS 8.1.2.
Enjoy !