See Thru : The French Competitor Of Google Glass ~ Every Tech Pro


See Thru : The French Competitor Of Google Glass

See Thru is a new augmented reality smart glass
 that intends to replace Google Glass. Designed by a French company, these glasses stand out from the competition with its features and the sharpness of the display. SeeThru differs from many other smart glasses by shunning a camera in a bid to protect the privacy of those around the user.

See Thru connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and displays the data in real time in front of the user. Equipped with several gyroscopes, accelerometers and compasses, they allow to answer calls, listen to music, view messages and mails. But beyond these traditional features, these smart glasses have some interesting applications. Indeed, they can provide information about a place as its location and history. Furthermore, the user has access to the navigation data and can be adapted according to the needs.

A driver can for example view its data through a head-up display, while a paraglider can see his flight speed or that of the wind. With a battery of 6 to 8 hours of use, the glasses have a field of view of 2 to 3 times wider than the Google Glass.

Developed by Laster Technologies, See Thru glasses are in prototype stage. Their mass production still depends on a crowd-funding campaign.
