Google Chrome's Apps Soon On Android, iOS And Other OS ! ~ Every Tech Pro


Google Chrome's Apps Soon On Android, iOS And Other OS !

Well known to users of Chrome on PC, Mac, Linux and ChromeOS, integrated applications in Google's browser could arrive quickly on mobile. Of course Android is concerned, but iOS is also in question. A first beta of the tools could even come as early as next January.

This is certainly a particularly useful initiative to create compatible applications on the two main operating systems iOS and Android: Google is preparing a development kit to adapt applications Chrome on both OS. The information, mentioned by our colleague from The Next Web, from a site called GitHub developers. On it, Michal Mocny, an employee of Google working precisely on the development of this toolkit, opened a section in extremely explicit name : Mobile Chrome Apps.

In this section is a documentation that explains the guidelines for the future development environment where it is possible to adapt a Chrome application into a native iOS and Android application, using certain modules of the Chrome browser, which should be present on the mobile. Development tools compatible initially with Android (version 4.0 minimum) before reaching iOS (work has already been started in this section), could appear as early as January in beta mode.

The announcement is not yet official, Google is refusing to comment. However, the formalisation could occur early next year, which will provide insight into the purpose of the Mountain View company. However, it is easy to imagine that the challenge of Chrome Apps on iOS and Android is important. For developers, they would be able to translate their applications from one OS to another as easily as computers, common brick is the Web browser. In addition, Chrome ( Google) become a new front door application on iOS. Especially since some Chrome apps are priced. It is therefore much incomes, on which Apple will not receive its commission. This certainly will not please Tim Cook.

The potential of this information is huge, because it confirms that it will be possible very soon to quickly create and release a single application that will be available on multiple OS, as far as Chrome is present. It also implies that other OS could enhance those already supported or those in progress . We believe especially in Windows Phone 8, Firefox OS and why not, BlackBerry, Tizen, Ubuntu Mobile and Sailfish OS. In short: all mobiles and tablets.