Internet Explorer 11 Available For Windows 7 ~ Every Tech Pro


Internet Explorer 11 Available For Windows 7

Already running on Windows 8.1 preview months ago, the new edition of Internet Explorer is now available for Windows 7.

The version in question is not the definitive edition (it is the Developer Preview), but it helps to get an idea of the advanced browser. Recall that the 10 edition of IE for Windows 7 was released last February, and it will take a few months to Microsoft to finalize it. While all compatibility issues and display are not resolved in this eleventh edition. But IE11 for Windows 7, however, benefits from the same advanced edition of Windows 8.1 : support WebGL, support for touch devices (even on sites developed for non-touch), can open up to 100 tabs simultaneously, etc..

Note that the new edition is primarily designed for web developers, Microsoft in a post detailing the main new features of the browser, such as improved support for HTML5 and management of 3D rendering. To download the latest edition of browser, simply go to the Microsoft website. A validation procedure is required, which is based on the Microsoft WGA.

Please note, the Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview 64-bit and 32-bit downloads are available for Windows 7 and Server 2008 only. These won’t work on Windows 8, and so if you want to try the browse then in theory you’ll need to upgrade to Windows 8.1.