When Microsoft released Windows 8 , we were very exiting to see the next version of Windows , but after we start using it we missed a lot of changes such as the start menu witch was replaced by screen menu or Metro. Indeed, until Microsoft realized that , we may see it in the next update of Windows . As we wait for the update we have to use other applications that put back the start menu in Windows 8 , here comes the software of today : it's Start Menu Reviver
This is an application that revives the classic start menu of Windows, but with the full Modern UI design .
As you can see from the image, it sports a metro UI style interface with tiles which is essentially good for a touch screen Windows 8 laptop or tablet. The start menu of this app is expandable and comes with a search bar where you can search apps and files. You can manage desktop and metro app directly from the app.
The app tiles in the start menu is configurable. You can add or remove apps to the menu. Simply right click on any tile and select edit and manage them. You can also simply drag and drop the app to the start menu tile from the list of applications.
You can launch both traditional desktop programs and new Windows 8 modern applications directly from the the Start Menu, this is one unique feature of this app. Start Menu Reviver accommodates up to 32 tiles so you can customize it for a truly personal experience. Choose which applications, documents, folders and more you want to launch directly from your Start Menu.
Here's How It Works :